In Ayodhya, the significant ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony for Ram Lalla occurred on January 22, marked by enthusiasm and anticipation. The 51-inch idol of Ram Lalla, portraying him as a five-year-old boy, now resides within the sanctum sanctorum. Crafted from ancient black stone, dating back three billion years, the sculpture was meticulously fashioned by Arun Yogiraj, a sculptor from Mysuru. Two other competing idols, each with distinct features, will also find a place within the temple precincts, according to the temple trust, as reported by the Times of India.
One of these idols, crafted by Satyanarayan Pandey from Rajasthan, is white in color and depicts Ram Lalla holding a golden bow and arrow. Adorned by an arch showcasing various incarnations of Lord Vishnu, this sculpture is likely to be installed on the temple’s first floor. Carved from white marble sourced from Makrana in Rajasthan, the same place that contributed to the construction of the Taj Mahal, the idol showcases Lord Ram surrounded by an arch-like structure, with smaller sculptures depicting incarnations of Lord Vishnu such as Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki.
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The third idol, sculpted by Ganesh Bhatt from Karnataka, is distinguished by its black color and features Ram Lalla with Lord Surya on the crown, Surya chakra, and a lion accompanying the idol. Crafted from Krishna Shila, a unique stone sourced from Hegadadevana Kote in Mysuru, this sculpture reflects the innocence of the five-year-old Ram Lalla in the traditional Indian carving style.
The symbolism within this idol is profound, with Lord Surya on the crown representing the solar dynasty to which Lord Ram belonged, the Surya chakra symbolizing the power and glory of the sun god, and the lion signifying courage and strength.
While Arun Yogiraj’s sculpture now graces the sanctum sanctorum of the Ayodhya temple, the alternate idols, with their divine energy, will also find their place within the temple premises.
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