Thalapathy Vijay, the esteemed actor, is on the verge of establishing his own political party, following the endorsement from the general council of his fan club, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam. This significant development unfolds in anticipation of the impending Lok Sabha elections, adding a new dimension to the political landscape.
The pivotal meeting convened in Chennai on Thursday solidified the approval for the Kollywood megastar to embark on the process of registering his political party. This endorsement also encompasses the actor assuming the role of the party president and actively participating in the drafting of its by-laws. Anticipated to be a swift process, the initiation of the party’s registration is expected to reach completion within a month.
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Vijay, known for his massive fan following in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, has not just been a charismatic actor but has also ventured into various public welfare activities. His commitment to societal causes was notably exemplified when he visited the families affected by the Thuthukudi Police firing incident in 2018, providing a clear indication of his seriousness about entering the political arena.
Following this, Vijay’s fan club, Vijay Makkal Iyakkam, has actively engaged in political programs, even participating in Tamil Nadu local body elections. Additionally, the actor demonstrated his philanthropic side by providing relief materials to the flood-affected regions in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu in December, showcasing a holistic approach to societal well-being.
Initially hinting at a political debut in 2026, Vijay responded promptly to the fervent requests of his fans, taking the initiative to register his political party at the earliest. This move not only demonstrates the actor’s responsiveness to his fanbase but also positions him as a proactive entrant into the political sphere, bringing a fresh wave of anticipation and interest among the public. As Thalapathy Vijay ventures into this new chapter, his political foray adds a compelling narrative to the evolving political landscape in the region.
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